A place for you to tell us how we're stupid and about all the things we don't know or understand, Dad.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Inconclusive Evidence
According to the AP, John McCain owns a ferret. Does that make him more tough or less tough? The evidence is inconclusive. Exhibits A and B strongly suggest ferret ownership is correlated with toughness, but I'm not sure how to interpret exhibit C.
Richard Powell, 79, of Spokane, Wash., whose dog passed away last fall, said if a person owns a pet, that "tells you that they're responsible at least for something, for the care of something."
If you're here by way of the mothership (www.washingtonpugilist.com), then you know who we are, what we are, and what we're capable of. If you're just in off the street and looking for a bathroom stall of political brouhaha, do what you have to here first, then be sure to check out The Washington Pugilist home page. And wash your hands, creep.
Richard Powell, 79, of Spokane, Wash., whose dog passed away last fall, said if a person owns a pet, that "tells you that they're responsible at least for something, for the care of something."
Which is exactly why 95% of our countries president's have been zookeepers
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